Fix Up  Laminated Framed World Maps In Your Drawing Or Study Room And Find Out The Wonders Of The World

When Christopher Colombus discovered that earth was round shaped, the necessity to use the world maps came into being most actively, though in earlier ages too, maps were used in an informal way. In due course of time these maps were introduced with all minute details and they are now embellishing many of the walls of offices, houses, educational institutions and other tourist places. These world maps come in different sizes, so as to fix up in any of the rooms or walls which we prefer. These are laminated on both sides for longevity and frequent usage. There are lot of reputed printers and suppliers for these Framed US maps and these printers are approved by the related Sovereign government. They supply wall mounted Framed world maps which you can order on line. At the time of ordering, their websites reveal the stock, availability, payment terms and transportation facilities. Among maps printed and supplied by these authorized agencies, there is city, state, country, regional, continental, world and antique world maps besides foldable travelling maps.

All these framed world maps can be mounted on rails and rollers. We can use sticker dots in these maps, instead of pins, to identify locations. These are available in sizes starting from 6 ft x 10 ft up to 8.5 x 13.5 feet. All political and geographical maps are always updated. For the accuracy and wealth of information which we can get from these maps, the prices are quite affordable and are ranged from $140 to $220. There are mural size maps and mural mountings too. Of course for mural size rail option is unavailable. In some of the maps, oceans are shown in white, instead of the natural sky blue color. A special option available is walnut grained rails on the top and bottom or spring rollers. These spring rollers are sturdy for longer and frequent usage in class rooms

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